More Home Plumbing Tips From Real Plumbers

Previously, we wrote a blog post titled “Real Plumbers Share 7 Secrets With Homeowners.” These were very practical tips that would prevent or minimize some of the most common plumbing problems we see. As it turns out, plumbers have even more tips for homeowners who want to take good care of their plumbing! So here […]

Real Plumbers Share 7 Secrets With Homeowners

plumbers share secrets with homeowners

We asked plumbers what tips they would have for homeowners wanting to keep their plumbing systems working well. Even though this was essentially asking plumbers what homeowners could do to keep plumbers away, they were happy to answer.  Surprisingly we heard the same tips from pretty much every plumber we asked. Following these tips will […]

Should You Install Your Own Dishwasher? Read This First…

If you’ve never installed a dishwasher before it might seem like a pretty simple task… Attach a couple hoses and slide it into place. It’s never that simple. Never. Replacing a dishwasher is easier than a new installation, but, unless the new dishwasher is exactly the same size as the old one, adjustments are going […]

Go Green By Using Less Water — Here’s How

In America we’re used to have running water readily available and in seemingly endless supply, but the long-running drought in California and water restrictions in western states should tell us otherwise. There is a finite supply of water and though water is a renewable resource the amount of clean drinking water is declining. We can […]

You Should Learn About Plumbing If You Own A Home

In plumbing, a lot of things can go the opposite of how you’d like them to go. Plumbing issues can range in difficulty, from easy (do it yourself) to hard (don’t do it yourself!). Regardless of your plumbing expertise, or lack of it, and regardless of your desire to roll up your sleeves to actually […]

This Forgotten Device In Your Sink Does A Surprising Amount Of Work

Is your kitchen or bathroom faucet running slower than normal? Does it seem like the water pressure is low? The first thing to check is the aerator. It could be clogged. Low pressure is the most common sign of a clogged aerator, but sometimes the faucet can also misdirect water, spraying it on the side […]